The Evolutionary Linguistics Association's

Lifetime Achievement Award


The Evolutionary Linguistics Association (ELA) aims to support research in the field of evolutionary linguistics. Its activities include the organisation of summerschools, workshops and conferences, support in publishing books and articles about evolutionary linguistics, and building a community of researchers in the domain. The ELA Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded to researchers that have shown great excellence in their contributions to the field of evolutionary linguistics.

And the award goes to:

Eörs Szathmáry

Eörs Szathmáry has been awarded the ELA Lifetime Achievement Award during the What should AI do next? symposium of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and the Arts, in Brussels on the 13th of December 2024.

Previous Winners

In the past, the ELA Lifetime Achievement Award has been awarded to the following researchers:

Name Institution Year
Eörs Szathmáry Eötvös University, Budapest / Parmenides Foundation, Pullach, Germany 2024
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer Inria, Bordeaux 2016
Graeme Trousdale University of Edinburgh 2015
James Hurford University of Edinburgh 2014
Chris Knight University College London 2014
Bill Croft University of New Mexico 2013
Bernd Heine University of Cologne 2009

Get in touch

  • Address

    IELCO vzw
    P.A. AI-lab VUB
    Pleinlaan 2
    1050, Brussels
  • Email

    katrien at ai dot vub dot ac dot be
  • Phone

    +32 2 629 37 01