Installing Dependencies

This document will guide you through the installation of the required tools to enjoy the full Babel experience. Please follow the instructions for your operating system.


  • Make sure you have the XCode Command Line Tools installed. To install these, run
    xcode-select --install
  • Make sure you have Homebrew installed.

  • Install GraphViz by running
    brew install graphviz
  • Install gnuplot by running
    brew install gnuplot
  • Enable local web servers by following the instructions for your version of macOS here.

Linux (Debian-based)

  • Install GraphViz by running
    sudo apt-get install graphviz
  • Install gnuplot by running
    sudo apt-get install gnuplot gnuplot-x11


  • Download and install GraphViz. We recommend you place this in C:\Program Files (x86).

  • Download and install gnuplot. Check the box to add gnuplot to the environment variables (or Path). We recommend you place this in C:\Program Files (x86).

  • Set your Path system environment variable so that the installed programs can be found easily. Go to the Settings and then edit the value for the variable Path (which is in the list of System Variables) by appending the directories of gnuplot and GraphViz binaries. Make sure these paths are indeed correct. Here is an example of how your Path variable could look:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\GraphvizX.XX\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuplot\bin